08.02.2019/About company
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We have been effectively selling our products via local retail stores Pyaterochka, Radezh, and Man. Moreover, our products can be found in federal retail chains such as Magnit, Auchan, O’key, and Metro. Our current sales geography includes Moscow and Moscow region, as well as the Southern and Volga federal districts. The constant shelf presence in the said stores is another proof of high want-satisfying qualities of our products.  Wholesale customers and catering companies contribute to our sales, too. We have been a reliable supplier of educational and health-care institutions.

Recently, food market appeared to be one of the most competitive, however, the Domashny Vkus brand is very popular which highly contributes to continuously increasing production output and sales volumes.

One of our most critical goals is to ensure the quality of the products that are produced under the Domashny Vkus brand. Our quality management system has been ISO 9001 certified since 2008.

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